2018.01.31 13:38

재이 Jaeii -sold out-

조회 수 74839 추천 수 1 댓글 133


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 첨부


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 첨부





















































머리둘레(Head size) - 21cm (8.2inch)
안구크기(Eye size) - 14/ iris 5.5~6.5mm

가발사이즈(Wig size) - 7~8inch, 8inch


신장(Height) - 65cm
목둘레(Neck circumference) - 10.5cm
어깨넓이(Shoulder width) - 14cm
팔길이(Arm length) - 20cm
팔둘레(Arm circumference) - 9cm
손목둘레(Wrist circumference) - 6.5cm
가슴둘레(Chest circumference ) - 26.5cm
허리둘레(Waist circumference) - 21cm
엉덩이둘레(Hips circumference) - 25.5cm
허벅지둘레(Thigh circumference) - 15.5cm
종아리둘레(Calf circumference) - 11.5cm
발목둘레(Ankle circumference) - 7cm
다리길이(Leg length) - 33cm
발길이(Foot length) - 8.2cm
스킨색상(Skin color) - 화이트(White), 피치옐로우(Peach yellow)    



모델의 스킨색상은 피치옐로우입니다.






헤드 -  ₩150000
헤드+바디 -  ₩620000

헤드+바디+관절손 - ₩750000 (관절손의 가격이 상향 조정되었으니 양해바라겠습니다.)


(헤드만 주문시 배송료 3000원 추가, 헤드와 바디를 함께 주문하실 땐 배송료 무료입니다.)



페이스업은 함께 주문하실 수 없으며 사진의 의상이나 가발, 안구, 소품들은 포함되지 않습니다.




2018. 2. 5  PM 12:00 ~ 2. 11 PM 24:00


2018. 2. 5  PM 12:00 ~ 2. 7 PM 24:00


! 주문기간 조기종료 안내드립니다.

예상보다 많은 주문량으로 인해 예정된 기간보다 일찍 종료하게 되어 정말 죄송합니다.

개인 주문자들에 한해서 2월 7일 밤12시까지만 주문을 받을 예정이니 양해부탁드리겠습니다.




약 4개월의 제작기간을 가지며 제작이 되는대로 여러차례 나누어 순차발송될 예정입니다.

위의 기간은 대략적인 예상으로 주문기간이 종료된 후 변경이 있으면 다시 공지와 수정을 하도록 하겠습니다.

주문시간과 입금시간 선택하신 스킨색상을 참고해 배송순서가 정해지며 배송일이 확정된 분들껜 발송 전에 미리 연락을 드리고 있습니다.



수정) 많은 주문량으로 인해 제작기간을 4개월에서 6개월로 연장합니다.





아래의 양식을 복사해 주문하기 게시판에 작성해주시거나 esthy_@naver.com 으로 보내주세요.




카드결제o,x: (유니크로를 통해 해드리고 있습니다.)
주문내용: (헤드or헤드+바디or헤드+바디+관절손 / 스킨색상 / 수량 )



입금은 답신메일이나 댓글로 안내되는 계좌로 해주시면 되며, 입금기한은 3일 입니다.

    카드결제는 유니크로를 통해서 해드리고 있습니다. 주문 기간동안 결제취소하실 수 없으며 수수료는 구매자부담이니 유의해주세요.


소화할 수 없다고 판단되는 주문의 경우 주문을 거부할 수도 있습니다.




! 15세 미만에게 판매하지 않습니다.

! 선 주문 제작 방식으로 주문취소가 불가능하니 신중한 구매 부탁드립니다.
! 수령 후 불량이나 파손 발견 시 7일 이내에 연락주시길 바랍니다. 7일 이후엔 무료교환 불가합니다.

! 파팅라인, 게이트 자국, 표면 정리 공정, 겉으로 보이지 않는 부분의 기포나 티끌은 불량의 기준이 되지 않습니다.

! 인형에 부착된 홀로그램은 제거 시 파손되어 다시 부착하실 수 없습니다. 홀로그램이 없는 인형은 정품으로 인정되지 않으니 유의해주세요.




* * * * *




I am using a translator because I can not speak English very well, so please understand if the sentence is awkward.
If you do not understand or have any questions, please feel free to ask.




Order Period


Feb. 5. PM 12:00 ~ Feb. 11. PM 24:00 (Korean time)


2018. 2. 5  PM 12:00 ~ 2. 7 PM 24:00 (Korean time)


! The order period will be closed early.

Please understand that it is the decision that the order quantity is more than expected.

For individual buyers, you can place an order by PM24:00 on 7th February (Korean time).




Shipping Schedule


It will have a production period of about 4 months and will be shipped in sequence as it is produced.


4 months is a roughly expected period. So if there is a change, I will notify again after the end of the order period.

Shipping is determined by reference to the order of the order and the order of payment.


Jaeii's shipping period has been extended from 4 months to 6 months.



Head - $150
Head + Body - $620
Head + Body + Jointed hands - $750 (The price of the jointed hands has been raised.)

The shipping is by EMS and the shipping cost added. Shipping cost will be informed after confirming your order.
When ordering with body, up to 2 can be shipped in 1 package.

The wigs, eyes, outfits, accessories, face up in the photos are not included.





Fill out and return the form below to esthy_@naver.com


▷Order Form◁

Tel. NO.:
Address: ( in English )

Postal code:
Paypal account:
Order information : ( Head or Head+ Body or Head+ Body+Jointed hands  / Skin color / Quantity  )


 I may refuse orders that I think can not be digested or other reasons.






I only accept PayPal with abroad payment.
Please pay after receiving your order confirmation reply.





! Once payment is made it is impossible to cancel. Please think carefully before you make an order.

! The hologram on doll can not put again. If you want to get service, you must not remove the hologram on doll.




  • 01 2018.01.31 14:05
  • esthy 2018.01.31 14:43
    기간 내에만 주문하시면 됩니다.
  • Milk_wei 2018.01.31 15:24
    OMGGGGGGG!!!!Finally!!!May I repost ur pictures to weibo in order to make more people know him?There are a large number of people like me waiting for this beautiful boy!!
  • esthy 2018.01.31 16:29
    Of course~ thank you!
  • jhope 2018.01.31 15:42
    Do you need to send an order in February 5th? Can't you now?
  • jhope 2018.01.31 15:43
    Sorry, I'm very excited now?
  • esthy 2018.01.31 16:32
    Carm down~ Not now. Must order on February 5th.
  • 1578202423@qq.com 2018.01.31 16:39
    Well, well, my God, I'm so excited now, I thought I'd have to wait a long time!
  • xiaoxiao 2018.01.31 15:44
    esthy! i. love. you! !
  • esthy 2018.01.31 16:33
    Thank you!
  • djdjd 2018.01.31 16:49
    혹시 분납결제는안받으시는건가요?
  • esthy 2018.01.31 16:59
    분납은 바디이상 구매시, 그리고 지불은 입금으로만 가능하세요.
  • Akila 2018.01.31 17:19
    i am wodering ...how can I buy the clothes,and the shoes.
  • esthy 2018.01.31 19:11
    Hello, This clothes is made by me and I do not sell it. and which shoes?
  • Akila 2018.01.31 19:18
    the second one
  • Akila 2018.01.31 19:46
    Dear,we extremely love the clothes and the shoes. And lots of us plan to buy .
    So, can you open to sell,if we want a lot
    Please ~
  • esthy 2018.01.31 20:27
    Sorry. It is impossible because I prepare all the process by myself. I do not have enough time and energy to make clothes. Please understand.
    And 2nd shoes http://m.cookids.co.kr/product/detail.html?product_no=24&cate_no=1&display_group=2
  • Akila 2018.01.31 20:38
  • Retta7 2018.01.31 19:20
    February 5th please come soon,hurry, I can't wait
  • Retta7 2018.01.31 19:21
    So excited
  • esthy 2018.01.31 20:28
    Thank you~
  • juatadream 2018.01.31 19:57
    I'm wondering if there's any connection between distant memory and nobility doll? I saw a website named nobilitydoll and it also had Jaeii on it...
  • esthy 2018.01.31 20:36
    You can buy it there, too. It is for overseas buyers only. like a sales agency? sorry, I don’t know exact word.
  • 宇白 2018.01.31 21:07
    Where to pay?
  • esthy 2018.01.31 21:18
    Payable via PayPal.
  • 宇白 2018.01.31 21:27
  • jhope 2018.01.31 21:34
    Does each person have the prescribed amount of purchase, not more than?
  • esthy 2018.01.31 22:58
    There is no limit to the purchase.
  • jhope 2018.02.01 00:10
    Can I buy a few more? I need to help my friends to buy
  • esthy 2018.02.01 00:37
    Yes, you can.

  • jhope 2018.02.01 00:58
    OK, can I fill in the Chinese or English address?
  • esthy 2018.02.01 10:37
    Please write your address in English.
  • jhope 2018.02.01 11:43
    OK, I'd like to ask you how to pay with the won?
  • jhope 2018.02.01 11:45
    Is the deposit to your Korean account? Or a transfer?
  • esthy 2018.02.01 13:39
    If you want to pay in won, you must pay with my Korean bank account. If you do not have a bank account in Korea, it can be difficult to deposit.
  • jhope 2018.02.01 13:46
    Okay, thank you
  • sulsin0111 2018.01.31 21:59
    Esthy nim you finally made it!!!!! Great thanks for your effort for such long time, and finally bring us the beautiful and perfect Jaeii!! I Love the pink look sooooo much, the ribbon on his head is just tooooo cuuuute! TTTTAnd I love the senseful name! It really suits him!

    (Just a little question! The skin color is peach yellow for both dolls right? Or one is peach yellow, the other is white? )
  • esthy 2018.01.31 23:27
    Thank you so much for loving Jaeii! His name has many meanings. You already noticed?ㅋㅋ I love the pink look too~ SO CUTE! He's still by my side. I am happy every time I see him.
    By the way, both are peach yellow. It is said that it is brighter than ordinary normal skins.
  • Jelly 2018.01.31 22:33
    Is it possible to order a faceup?
  • esthy 2018.01.31 23:29
    Sorry, impossible.
  • J 2018.01.31 23:25
    세상에 드디어 나왔군요ㅠㅠ 너무 예뻐요 항상 에스티님의 금손에 감탄하고 갑니다 애정이 듬뿍듬뿍 느껴져요ㅠㅜㅜ
  • esthy 2018.01.31 23:29
  • Tata 2018.02.01 00:12
    Hi Esthy!
    May I know if layaway is possible for head + body orders?
    Amazing work on the sculpt! <3
  • esthy 2018.02.01 00:42
    Yes, it’s possible with the body.
  • 리센트 2018.02.01 03:51
    질문에 답변 부탁드립니다. 실례지만 두번째 분위기의 사진속의 헤어는 어디서 구매할 수 있을까요??
  • esthy 2018.02.01 10:23
    사진의 가발은 모두 제가 커스텀한 것이라 저 디자인대로 판매되는 것들은 아닙니다.
  • Asagi 2018.02.01 09:05
    Can an overseas order be paid by the won? Or can we only pay in dollars?
  • esthy 2018.02.01 10:29
    If you want to pay in won, you must pay with my Korean account. Paypal can be paid in dollars.
  • Alice_B 2018.02.01 10:21
    우와 드디어... 막 심장이 두근두근 하는데 이거 정상이죠..?ㅜㅠㅠㅠ 저는 상상밖에 못 하던걸 실제로 구현해주셔서 너무너무 감사합니다ㅠㅠ 우리 끝까지 함께해여 제가 응원할게요!!
  • esthy 2018.02.01 10:35
    ㅎㅎㅎ 응원감사해요. ⊙ㅅ⊙/

  1. 래오 Laeoh

  2. 재이 Jaeii -sold out-

  3. 선호 Sunho -sold out-

  4. 관절손 Jointed hands - Sold out -

  5. 화영 Hwayoung -sold out-

  6. 이연 E-yeon -sold out-

  7. Peroth -soldout-

  8. Body -sold out-

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